

All throughout that interminable commute I was plotting the words I would use in what was supposed to be a cathartic post about these feelings of meaninglessness and impotence that have been creeping up on me for the past bit. I was going to draw similarities of how I am right now and the person I was five years ago: how I go to sleep and wake up in the same bed, how I walk down the same streets everyday, actually, I'm still volunteering with some of the same people at the same soup kitchen as five years ago.

But, something happened on the walk back that, though in itself wouldn't necessarily have meaning, did bring on a momentary sense of comfort.

I was listening to Starálfur by Sigur Rós, which starts with the lyrics "blue night over me". Of course, I was singing with it because it's one of the few ways I know how to relieve my stress effectively, but that's unimportant. So midway through the song, I hear the familiar calls of the beloved Canadian Goose. I look up and, sure enough, there's a flock flying right over me in the classic V formation. And, in the backdrop, was the dark blue shade of the clear evening sky with a gracious guest appearance of our moon.

In itself, it doesn't mean much. Geese flying over me doesn't push me to drastically alter my previous way of thinking. But I guess it does help to put into perspective. The world is bigger. And, even though I might not feel like I am where I want to be right now, there's an entire beautiful world of possibilities out there and, one day, hopefully, I'll be able to explore that beauty.

But, for now, I guess I'll continue (fortunately, less begrudgingly now) to take care of business (as I do everyday).

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